Kommandantur is the most critical SexiLog’s dashboard. When something becomes wrong, you’ll know it in real time.
Kommandantur is based on a massive amount of log analysis. We know ESXi logs and spent countless hours on Logstash filters. Even unknown suspicious events are catched by the Local6 events
histogram which also contains vmkwarning
and severity:error
logs .
Well known alerts are displayed on the Alerts over time
histogram sorted and colored so you can easily correlate events. Below the histograms, you’ll find top alerts and top hosts.
If this dashboard is almost empty, you’re safe, if it is full of various colors, you may be in trouble. But keep in mind false positive might happen.
Kommandantur is not designed for troubleshooting, its place is on a big wall-mounted screen. If you need to dig in, go to your SexiHome and start searching.
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