VMODL stands for VMware Managed Object Design Language. The vmodl dashboard is a simple Kibana topN query on the vmodl field. This field is created everytime logstash see something like vmodl.fault.object. Read more →
Monthly Archives: February 2015
VIM stands for Virtual Infrastructure Methodology, the RESTful API of vSphere. The vim dashboard is a simple Kibana topN query on the vim field. This field is created any time logstash see something like vim.method.call Read more →
vMotion pre-copy stun time
The precopyStunTime dashboard let you visualize the reported vmotion pre-copy stun time as explained in the VMware vSphere vMotion Architecture, Performance and Best Practices in VMware vSphere 5 Performance Study: During this final phase, the virtual machine is momentarily quiesced on the source vSphere host, the last set of memory changes are copied to the target vSphere host, and the virtual machine is resumed on the… Read more →
The msg dashboard is a simple Kibana topN query on the msg field. This field is created everytime logstash see something like “msg.something.happens“. This dashboard allow you to catch errors like msg.uuid.altered, msg.checkpoint.migration.nodata, msg.svgaUI.badLimits, msg.checkpoint.migration.maxSwitchoverTimeExceeded, msg.vmk.status.VMK_TIMEOUT or msg.vmotion.connect.failure. . Read more →
Long VMFS3 rsv time
The VMFS3 dashboard helps you visualize how bad are the “Long VMFS3 rsv time” issues. This message is logged when a SCSI Reserve/Release operation (SCSI Reservation > Perform I/O > SCSI Release) takes longer than expected to complete. The expected reservation time is very fast, and if the reservation time exceeds 200ms, this message is reported. This is defined as the maximum… Read more →
SCSI Sense Data
When something wrong happens on your SCSI network (FC, iSCSI, infiniband, FCoE, etc…), error messages rise in ESXi logs. When a SCSI target device returns a check condition in response to a command, the initiator usually then issues a SCSI Request Sense command. This process is part of a SCSI protocol called Contingent Allegiance Condition. The target will respond to… Read more →
We changed the default dashboard so that SexiHome is the new home of your ESXi logs: . The classic Logstash Search dashboard is still available at http://your_appliance_fqdn_or_ipv4/#/dashboard/file/logstash.json if you need to explore other logs: Read more →
NMP stands for Native Multipathing. The NMP is an extensible module that manages subplugins. […] – Manages physical path claiming and unclaiming. – Registers and de-registers logical devices. – Associates physical paths with logical devices. – Processes I/O requests to logical devices: – Selects an optimal physical path for the request (load balance) – Performs actions necessary to handle failures and… Read more →